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Healthy Brain Journal
Healthy Brain Journal is a handy tool to document self-care, sleep health, and to track moods. Keep a diary of your sleep and dream behavior. Set goals to improve brain health as it relates to your overall well-being. Moods are influenced by sleep behavior, and many social and environmental factors. This journal will allow you to monitor and make these important connections to improve your health. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase your journal.

Cognitions of Choice Journal
The Cognitions of Choice are 24-character traits, values, or dispositional traits that can be developed as strengths and when applied to decision-making they can guide you to make healthy life choices. Create your own personal definition for each of the 24 traits and practice applying them when making choices. Track your moods and habits to see how developing these traits as character strengths helps you make healthier life choices. Learn to invite, investigate, and initiate new choices. Explore your automatic thoughts/Habits, Metathoughts (thinking about thinking), and Mindful Choices as you construct your personal philosophy for living. Examine self-care behaviors and your gratitude behavior as they influence your ability to make healthy life choices. Utilize a thought-feelings-behavior paradigm as you examine your beliefs and explore how they influence your life choices. Consider the choice wheel that guides you to explore relational choices, sustainability choices, self-empowerment, and achievement choices. There are ample blank pages in which you can keep notes and document your observations. Create a philosophy for living guided by choice and design your life to empower healthy living. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase your Cognitions of Choice journal which is available in both paperback and hardcover.
Cognitive Behavior Tracking Journal
Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., ND, CBHC is a psychologist, naturopath, and certified brain health coach. Dr. Steffen has designed a cognitive-behavior journal that allows you to apply a holistic approach to your health. In your Cognitive-Behavior Tracking Journal, you will be able to track your mood over the course of one year. There is a space to document your supplements and vitamins, In an effort to kick-start new healthy behaviors, there are pages to engage in Acts of Kindness, and to initiate Self-Care. Create a 30-Day challenge each month and track your behavioral habits for the entire year, and watch your health improve as you target specific health behavior. Our thoughts are connected to our feelings which influence our behaviors, and they are governed by our beliefs. There are ample blank pages to keep notes on your personal observations on the changes to your health. Taking the opportunity to explore your health habits, and behaviors will allow you to make changes in your health and belief in your own ability to make the changes your desire. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase your Cognitive-Behavior Tracking Journal.

Cognitive Behavior Tracking Journal

Your Cognitive-Behavior Tracking Journal is the perfect place for your to track your mood and habits in an effort to make the behavioral changes your desire. This handy journal offers ways for you to kickstart new behaviors by documenting self-care habits and focusing on acts of kindness toward yourself or others. There are ample pages in which you can take notes as you observe changes in your ability to improve your health. The journal includes 30-Day challenge pages for specific behavior that you may choose to focus on changing. Follow the thought-feeling-behavior paradigm and track your health improvement as you move toward obtaining and maintaining total wellness. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase your Cognitive-Behavior Tracking Journal which is available in paperback and hardcover.
Positive Mental Health Journal: Take Positive Steps To Improve Your Mental Health
Your mental health journal is a place in which you can organize everything you need to take charge of improving your mental health. This journal provides a mood and habit tracker. Keep track of articles and books you want to read on the reading list provided in your journal. Engage in self-care acts and monitor your health. Plan your projects to completion. Track your blood pressure, monitor your body measurement, and track your progress. Keep a record of your vitamins and supplements. Document and analyze your dreams, express your life gratitude, and engage in acts of kindness. There are several blank note pages for documenting, and thoughts, feelings, behavior outcomes, and beliefs related to improving your mental health. Click on the link beneath the image to be taken directly to Amazon to purchase your journal.
ADHD: Manage Distractions and Improve Outcomes-Life Organizing Journal
Use your life-organizing journal for adults to keep track of your emergency contacts, medical appointments, medications, and supplements. Set up 30-Day challenges to improve your behavior and life choices. Establish specific goals to reach and plan for change. Engage in fitness and exercise to improve your health, and take a holistic approach to improve your mind, body, and spirit relationship to yourself. Keep a “things-to-do list,” and make daily plans to keep track of your mood, chores, and work plans. Make modifications to your plan and create and establish a monthly plan. Document projects you want to complete and follow your written plan. Organize your online and in-store shopping, and create shopping lists, and an inventory of supplies to plan out your meals. Keep mental health notes and engage in self-care and gratitude to improve your overall mental health. Manage distractions and improve your holistic health outcomes. Organize your life, and feel less distracted, disorganized, and dissatisfied. Take charge of your life! Click on the link underneath the image to be taken to Amazon to purchase your journal.