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All of the products offered through Choice Studios are designed to improve communication skills, support brain health, encourage healthy choices and decision-making, promote mindfulness, and help develop healthy relationships. Many of the products are designed for individuals of all ages and do not require extra instruction. These cards appeal to individuals, couples, families, therapists, speech therapists, special educators, addiction specialists, health care providers, and caregivers. If you are interested in learning more about how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence your beliefs, you will enjoy cards designed by Dr. Clare Steffen. If you want to change your behavior, correct unhealthy habits, or are going through life transitions, you will find support through the use of cards offered through Choice Studio. New cards are being designed and added to the store on a frequent basis, so be sure and check back often. Remember, wellness is a choice!
Choice Studio Card Decks can be found by clicking on the link below to visit Choice Studio Shop Space and select the card deck by clicking on the image which will take you directly to purchase. Choose how many decks you would like to purchase, and then click “Add To Cart,” and complete the checkout process. (Please be patient while we transfer you to Choice Studio).
Integrative-WellnessCard Decks
Trauma, Choice & Resilience
The healing deck offers a 12-step approach to trauma recovery, 30 days to a healthier brain, a 12-step inventory, and lots of other healing information.

Mindful Choice
Mindful Choice. is a simple deck that encourages conscious choice and offers many cue words to focus on daily, weekly, or monthly to change behavior or habits. Suggestions such as Stay Present, Receive, or Relax remind us to open the choice portal to become mindful and live in the present moment. Individuals of all ages, couples and families can use these cards to develop mindfulness, and healthy relationships, or to improve health by becoming more mindful and present.

Cognitions of Choice (A Philosophy For Healthy Living)
What to learn more about making healthy choices and develop a philosophy for living? Learn to be confident and make healthy choices using the Cognitions of Choice card deck.

Healthy Relationships
Learn about how to establish and maintain a healthy relationship. Assess your relationships, and about The Big Five of Healthy Relationships.

Exercising Choices
Exercising Choice cards are designed to learn how to be more efficient in making healthy choices. The set includes 24 trait cards to develop choices, and 50 exercises to practice the skills needed to make healthy choices.

Ocean Reflections
Oceans reflections are designed to improve communication, support brain health, encourage healthy choices, and help people develop healthy relationships. They are easy to use and are for all ages. Everyone likes them and they can be used for or by therapists and educators. The beautiful ocean theme induces relaxation and helps us connect our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and beliefs.

Message Music
Messages for healing can be found in all genres of music. Six themes are presented with discussion questions, bible passages quote on Message Music, and prompts for a lively discussion.

Card Decks Created Through Collaboration
Nature Speaks (Rachel E Tippett & Clare Steffen)
“Nature Speaks” cards help you add a positive perspective to your daily life, and also can be used to consider the Circle of Life; Past, Present, and Future to bring positive affirmations to your life. Images from nature help remind us that since nature is in balance, we too should be in balance. If we listen, nature speaks to us and can empower us to be well.

Nature’s Affirmations (Rachel E Tippett & Clare Steffen)
Everything in nature is designed to be in balance and we too are meant to be in balance. The photos from nature are offered as a visualization cue to focus on when stating the affirmation. Our thoughts connect to our feelings and influence our beliefs and our behavioral choices. We must address our underlying beliefs in order to maintain changes in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Taking action to change our beliefs is an important part of the process of maintaining our holistic health.

Hugs For The Soul (Karen Haughey & Clare Steffen
Daily affirmations can help us reconstruct our thinking and change the way we feel. We can improve our relationship with ourselves by increasing self-esteem, and improving self-worth. Focusing on a daily affirmation can guide us to make healthy choices. We can change the way we think, feel, and what we believe.

It’s In The Cards: My Tarot Reading Journal
Tarot is a system used to provide insight into our future and make predictions about our future. The 78 cards portray all aspects of the human experience. Develop your psychic abilities and empower yourself to make healthy life choices. a daily practice of tarot can help you get in the habit of accessing your intuition, which can guide your decision-making and align your actions. Ask questions of the tarot and document what showed up in your reading, and the interpretation and how it guides your life. Click on the link underneath the image and be taken directly to Amazon to purchase your journal.
