Click on the links underneath the images below to go to Amazon to purchase our books.
Wine Lover’s Journal
The Wine Lover’s Journal provides a place to document your impression of the wineries you visit and wine tastings. The journal offers a place to keep notes and track your inventory and impressions of your favorite wines. Whether you are a wine connoisseur, simply enjoy a good glass of wine with a meal, or are a wine hobbyist, having a journal to write your thoughts and share your impressions with others can be enjoyable. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase the journal.

Wine Lover’s Journal
The Wine Lover’s Journal provides a place to document your impression of the wineries you visit and wine tastings. The journal offers a place to keep notes and track your inventory and impressions of the wine. Whether you are a wine connoisseur, simply enjoy a good glass of wine with a meal, or are a wine hobbyist, having a journal to write your thoughts and share your impressions with others can be enjoyable. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase the journal.

Wine Journal
The Wine Journal is a blank journal that can be used as a diary to record your favorite wines, wineries, and anything wine. The journal provides a note section and a place to inventory your favorite wines, and purchase date. Recording information about your favorite wines will ensure that you have a way to track each wine and place of purchase. C;ick on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase this journal.

Favorite Family Recipes: Keepsake Journal
Favorite Family Recipes is a blank journal where you can write down recipes that have been in your family from one generation to the next. It is an easy way to document these special dishes and then share them with other family members as a keepsake. Sharing your favorite recipes and holiday dishes in your own handwriting makes it extra special.

My Delicious Desserts Journal
My Delicious Desserts Journal is a blank journal in which you can write down all your family favorites. You can document holiday delights and recipes that have been in the family from generation to generation. Sharing these recipes with family members or close friends in your own handwriting will make for a special keepsake. Perhaps you have some healthy treat recipes that took you time to fine-tune and tweak, and writing them down in your personal journal will be a great way to organize and keep them all in one place. Click on the link below the image to go directly to Amazon to purchase your dessert journal.