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Author: Karen Haughey
Book: Wings: A Tribute to Kahlil Gibran

Wings is watercolor artist Karen Haughey’s tribute to Kahlil Gibran. Karen has been an intuitive artist and author for over forty years. Quietly observing life since early childhood, she began reading Kahlil Gibran’s books, author of The Prophet, as early as the age of ten, as well as pursuing an interest in freehand drawing and painting.
One of his quotes in particular has always spoken clearly—
Art is one step from the visibly known toward the unknown.
Deeply personal, inward visions began appearing to Karen in 1984, and continue to translate into etheric paintings to this day.
Kahlil Gibran was born in 1883 in Lebanon and passed away in 1931 at the age of 41 in New York City. He was a philosopher, author, and artist that gave spiritual inspiration while expressing his personal visions through his magnificent art. His books contained a great reservoir of intelligence, insight, intuitive cognition, and beauty while expressing the meaning of life that most seem to overlook in everyday society.
One of his most familiar books, The Prophet, was published in 1923 and has been translated into more than 100 languages. One of my personal favorites, Sand and Foam, is a book of aphorisms written by Gibran in 1926.
Some of his original artwork is placed in the archives of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, which the author had the great honor of viewing in 1991. Says Karen, “If I had the ability to travel backward in time, Gibran would be the person I would most love to have a conversation with.”
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Author: Mark Hehir
Book: Fate of the Three

The Yukon Territory is a vast and unforgiving wilderness and is home to grizzly bears, black bears, cougars, and packs of grey wolves. For many years, a few adventurers have entered its forests and disappeared. Never to be seen again.
A man who goes by Hawk has no memory of who he is or where he is from, yet he has survived more than three years in the Yukon with the help of his friend, a grey wolf he calls Shadow.
Andrea, a rookie pilot, sits on a shoreline of an unknown mountain lake where her floatplane rests at the bottom. She is lost, has no way to call for help, and lacks the necessary supplies to survive the perilous forest surrounding her.
One day, fate will bring them together.
Will Hawk help Andrea get back home, and will he return with her?
Or is the call of the wild stronger than a woman’s love?
Clicking on the link underneath the image will take you directly to Amazon to purchase this book. Look for other books by Mark Hehir on Amazon.

Author: Don Urbanus
Illustrator: Erin Urbanus
Book: Darn Weeds! Crazy Tales From Your Local Nursery

A humorous collection of zany short stories by a nurseryman will have you rolling in the bushes with laughter. Who would think plants could be so funny? This unusual collection of fiction and crazy tales is rooted in some natural truths of the plant world. Being immersed in the business of growing plants most of his life, the author kept up a newsletter for his hundreds of clients and customers including some of these zany tales in the publication. Don grew a huge fan base clamoring for him to collect the tales into a volume, so he did. Anyone operating a nursery or involved in gardening, landscaping, or growing plants, will get a kick out of the collectionof stories. Guaranteed. Green thumb or not, it’s hysterical. Add to that his talented daughter Erin’s illustrations and you have a dynamic duo creating a rollicking good time. Click on the link below the image to do directly to Amazon to purchase the book.

Author: M.K. O’Hara
Book: Murder At The Rookery (9th book in the Commuter Series)

This is the ninth book in the commuter series, Jim Pearson (Detective) finds himself while entangled in conflict while searching for the killer of a neighborhood busybody. Faced with the pain of the past and a future of ghosts and lies, he works to protect the legacy of those he can’t forget. At times, a lit works better than the truth. Click on the link beneath the image to be brought directly to Amazon to purchase this and other books in the Commuter Series by M.K. O’Hara.

Author: Micahel Sean Comerford
Book: American OZ

An Astonishing Year Inside Traveling Carnivals at State Fairs & Festivals. Hitchhiking California to New York, Alaska to Mexico. Click on the link below the image to be brought directly to the book for purchase on Amazon.
Write Away Magazine
Editor: Jane Shields
Online Magazine: Write Away
The focus of Write Away Magazine is song lyrics, and there are a host of talented lyricists that write monthly for the magazine. Jane lays out the magazine each month to create an interesting and esthetic magazine. Clare E Steffen, Ed.D. contributes and has articles published monthly in Write Away Magazine. Click on the link underneath Jane’s photo to explore Write Away Magazine.
Young Adult & Children’s Author
Author: Olivia M Sherry
Book: The Last Time I Smelled Lavender Tea

“The Last Time I Smelled Lavender Tea” is a mystery surrounding a young girl named Ava Sinclair who lost her parents in a car wreck when she was 13. Years later she discovers there may be more to why her parents were run off the road that rainy night and how an ancient stone and a civilization of witches may determine Ava’s fate. Readers will not see the twist ending coming in this gripping 4th YA novel written by 13-year-old Olivia M. Sherry. Click on the link directly below the image to be brought directly to Amazon to purchase Olivia’s book. Look for other books authored by Olivia that are available on Amazon, or check her website to learn more about this talented young author.